How would you handle this pregnancy scenario?


Long story short, I’ve summarized it. Put yourself in this position and tell me how you would handle this because I’m so hurt.

Okay , I had an appointment last Monday for prenatal check, 24 weeks pregnant, my blood pressure was high (160/99) doctor wanted me to come back in two weeks to check it again.

2 days later, had a lingering headache even after Tylenol, checked my blood pressure at home, crazy high readings (149/89, 157/88, 175/101, and the highest at 182/86).

Called my doctors office (6 obgyn practice but you see your doctor you chose every single time unless they are out on vacation, well I found out he’s off for the day but you can still email him!) reached his nurse and she wanted me to come in and see another doctor since he’s not in the office, I asked her what time? She said she will call me back with a time when she speaks with the doctor. She never called me back that was Thursday at 9am!

I call all day today trying to reach someone— no answer, they are busy busy. I email my doctor at 3pm to see what he wants me to do I didn’t get a response. By this time it’s 5pm and the machines are turned off but there is an option to talk to the on call doctor. So I speak with her, told her the situation, she asks what we’re my reading and I told her. Her response? “Uhh yes I would go to labor and delivery ASAP”

Went to labor and delivery, as soon as we park I get an email back from my doctor. He says those numbers are quite high but he’s on vacation so he can’t help me but to go to labor and delivery ASAP!

I went in and I was basically laughed at. I was there for a total of 20 mins in and out the door. They checked baby for a second, all good. They took my blood pressure and it’s normal. Doctor comes in to ask questions about what happened and basically says “yeah those monitors aren’t accurate, you can go home” in an annoyed tone. uh ok. Getting ready to discharge when I over hear the hospital doctor on the phone in the hallway with my on call doctor I spoke with who told me to come in (not my doctor) and basically they were laughing at me. It went along the lines of “yeah no her bp is normal we are sending her home...haha yeah... she’s only 24 weeks...hahaha I know right it’s her second pregnancy too” I walked out feeling brushed off and hurt. Am I being too sensitive?