Toddler to take antibiotics

What can I do?

She won’t drink it in milk,

I can’t give it in a syringe (she spits and pukes up everywhere if I try)

She won’t take it on a spoon or In a cup

Driving me insane, giving four times a day is impossible and it tastes f***ing rank 🥴

Might as well just let her be sick and get over the tonsillitis herself 😑🔫

Edit: I’ve tried giving it to her slowly with a syringe, after the first drop she’s screaming and coughing and having to the point she starts throwing up. Trying to do this at home by myself is impossible, she’s so hard to hold down and making her gag and puke everywhere isn’t working. I’ve managed to put a small amount in her bottles but she only has two a day and unless I do a full bottle (so it’s dilute) she won’t drink it but then doesn’t finish a full bottle. So far after three days I’ve only got about 4 lots in her (should be 4 a day). Don’t judge I’m struggling to cope with her screaming but forcing it down her throwing make it any better.