
Those of you that know thyroid issues pretty well... help! So my reproductive endo pulled my TSH at a pretty high number recently. For some reason, I had a gut feeling she wasn’t right. I had my regular doctor pull it and low and behold he got a much, much different number. I didn’t know who’s test to trust, so I booked an appt with a really good medical Endocrinologist. He ran a ton of tests and got the same scores as my regular doctor, therefore we have no clue what my reproductive dr was pulling basically. One thing that scared me... he did a thyroid ultrasound and says he saw what appears to be “old damage” to my thyroid gland. He said most likely that some years ago I most likely had a virus that caused some damage. He said it was common and don’t think it was a big deal. He sent me in my way and said I was good to go. The damage part scared me!! I know he said it’s okay, but now that’s got me worried. Any know anything about this?