Pain after miscarriage

Emily • 23, chiropractic student, wife

Hey gals,

I just wanted to share my experience of getting an infection from remaining tissue after a chemical pregnancy in hopes to help anyone else going through this.

So I was pregnant for a month and started cramping two days before I lost it. The day I lost it I only bled a little in the morning but a few hours later I was bleeding pretty heavily and cramping pretty bad. *TMI* my blood was bright red (which is unusual from my darker red/brown period blood) and there were a lot of chunks in the blood. This happened for two days and I wasn’t aware that you are NOT supposed to use tampons after a miscarriage because you need to flush out the tissue from the pregnancy. Well...I didn’t know this and was wearing tampons. They were filling up fast and I had to change them frequently. On the 3rd day after miscarrying, around 10am my cramps were hurting really bad and I felt like I had to take out my tampon because of the cramps. Well I was still bleeding a lot, I had really bad diarrhea and the worst cramps of my life! I was crying because it was so painful and I don’t cry you guys... I stayed in the bathroom for over an hour because I felt sick and fatigued and in pain. I started researching how long this would last and if it was normal. Basically I had all the signs of an infection but it said after two weeks of bleeding, go to the doctor. I couldn’t imagine waiting two weeks of this. Apparently if the tissue from the pregnancy stays inside it can cause serious infections and lead to sepsis which many people die from. The treatments are pretty intense and I didn’t have insurance nor did I want to take a drug/procedure route if I could avoid it. So I found a case study on a doctor in Virginia who has been treating sepsis patients with an injection of calcium and steroids. Out of the hundreds of patients given this treatment only 1 didn’t survive which is amazing for people with sepsis. So here’s what I did to cure my infection naturally!..

1st thing I did was start using pads and not tampons! You want to track how much you are bleeding. If you are filling a pad between 1-3 hrs then there’s a problem and you should see a doctor (I still recommend trying what I’m about to say before seeing a doctor unless you have a fever and chills! Then go right away!)

2nd thing I did was take my prenatal (or daily vitamin) for vitamins like zinc, B12, etc. I also took 2,000mg of calcium vitamins (you can not overdose on calcium, you will just pee the excess out), I also took my probiotics with cranberry (I highly recommend having these on hand!! They’ve cured all my UTI- I’ll add a pick of the ones I get from sprouts)

3rd thing I did was drink a lot of water and eat food rich in iron because I was losing blood and my prenatal didn’t have iron. You can google foods with iron to see what you have.

4th thing was I used a heat pad and did not take a pain killer (AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO) so that I could keep track of my pain levels and temperature.

After an hour I no longer had cramps and even stopped bleeding heavily. I was bleeding SO much before and then I was only spotting for the next couple days. The day after, my blood even got darker and more brown which is a good sign! Bright red blood is fresh blood so you are actively bleeding and darker red/brown blood is older. I still felt a little tired and weak that night and the next day but I continued to take those vitamins and probiotics and was completely fine within a week. Hope that helps! Please feel free to share your experiences below!