Sex after baby- a little tmi

So I know majority of people say sex after birth hurts a lot. After my first it did hurt, it felt as if I was a virgin all over again.

Well I've just been cleared to have sex again which I've been dying to have! So we did last night and I kept telling my husband to take it easy blahblahblah.

It didn't hurt!!!! Not one bit. It was just all pleasure.

So my thing is, is that normal too?? Lol I mean you'd think it would hurt, I just went 6 weeks not getting any.

But maybe I was just so damn turned on and horny and in my husbands words "so wet" 😂 so it didn't?? Idk.

Both births were c section so no vaginal tears or anything. With my first I will say I probably wasn't AS turned on so maybe that's why?? Idk!

I feel like a loosey goosey even though I know it doesn't work that way. And normally it does hurt to have sex like during pregnancy and before. But both times I was never as turned or wanting my husband so bad.