No judgement please..Need help losing weight?

So I don’t have a lot to lose but I am struggling soo much. I have always struggled with my weight since I was 13. Sometimes I wonder if I have an eating disorder. The yo yo dieting is real people.

When I was 13, I weighed 185lbs. I went out clothes shopping with my dad and couldn’t find anything that fitted me so that became a turning point for me. I lost weight basically by starving myself and got down to 135lbs in about 6 months. I kept that weight off until I was about 24 years old. I still had the appetite of my old 185lbs self so I would eat loads one week then not as much the following week to keep the weight off. Unhealthy I know.

Over the years I’m always +|- 14lbs. Meaning, I’d eat and not care till I was 150lbs roughly, then panic and eat less to get back to my 135lbs self. I did this and it worked until the last year.

I currently have been stuck at 148lbs for the last year because work got super busy for me and I never cook at all anymore. I start work at 8am and don’t get home till 8pm. My husband gets home even later than me and can’t cook at all. I hate frozen food so I stopped batch cooking.

Hubby and I survive on takeaways and I eat an unhealthy amount of sweet things (I’ve tried to cut this down obviously not hard enough). I don’t go to the gym anymore now because I had brain surgery exactly 16 days ago and awaiting another to remove cyst from my brain so I’m paranoid about going to the gym. Also, I’m 30 years old in about 3 days and I find losing weight has been especially hard in this last year dunno if it’s to do with my age as well as not bothering as much anymore.

In the last year, I’ve tried all kinds of diet...

diet chef, Cambridge diet, diet now, Atkins, slimming world and the problem is I never stick to them long enough!

I don’t like vegetables or salad, and it’s pathetic at almost 30 I know but my mum never fed them to me as a child. Please don’t talk bad about her she’s a great mum.

Question is, anyone has any tips on how to get from 148lbs to at least 138lbs? Any diet that worked? Tips? Clues? I can’t exercise for the time being so I need diet tips. Preferably something I can stick to long time, like a lifestyle change.

Thank you if you’ve read this far 😊. Any help would be much appreciate