Lost Sheep

So I’m kinda lost here.

I’m growing up in a Christian home, I’ve been baptized and completed conformation. My dad brings me to church whenever he can and if not we watch church of the rock on TV.

I’ve never really had a great relationship with God but I know that he loves me and is always there for me but it doesn’t feel like it if that makes any sense. I’ve been through a lot in the time I’ve been here on earth and I’ve also made some pretty horrible choices.

How am I supposed to get back to him?

How do I know that even though I’ve made these choices that he still loves me? I’ve always been open about my faith and never denied it but I haven’t always acted as a child of God should.

What things are forgivable and what aren’t?

Also is it possible to be angry with him? Because my dads told me that I’ve been angry with him because of certain life situations. I just don’t understand how that’s possible and how to not be angry with him.