Eeeek! Got 10 days until AF...


From conception calendar it said would've got pregnant on 1st of November, we had sex on 31st October only and before that it was a week before that so.... that one time ❤

I thought I missed the window.

Last period was 18th of October. Periods are usually 28 days but since stopping BF on 2nd September they've been ranging 32-34 days.

Omg I'm so excited!

I said to my husband 2 weeks ago, are you bothered if we did get pregnant that it would be so close to our first borns birthday....

we both went "nah" it'll happen when it happens.

Due date says 24th july but we will see.... my son was meant to be 3rd of August but had to be induced and had him 16th August lol.