Advice welcome please..


So we found out a few weeks ago we are pregnant with our rainbow baby 🌈 an absolute miracle as this year has been absolutely awful, with losing our baby at 8 weeks in April and my husband being diagnosed with testicular cancer. I had a scan today and I am 5 weeks and 6 days. I went on my own although my mum and dad and husband knew about it. I said to myself and husband that I want to share the news with close friends if we had a successful scan. The scan went great, saw a strong little heartbeat and the midwife was amazing and had no concerns. The only thing is, in myself I just feel like I can’t accept that it’s going to work out. I can’t bring myself to tell anyone because I don’t want their congratulations? I don’t understand how I’m feeling because I wanted to share it but now it’s come to it I can’t bring myself too. I’m terrified and just so overwhelmed, I don’t know what the best thing to do is? I wondered how anyone else dealt with their pregnancy’s after a loss because I feel like I’m really struggling at the moment 😞