Should I continue working?


I really don't know what to do and just want a little advice.

I am 23 weeks pregnant. At my 20 week scan I found out my baby has congenital diaphragmatic hernia and have been told there is a 50% survival rate. My doctor has signed me off work for 4 weeks and has said to ring up and she'll extend it no problem when it runs out.

My husband and family and friends all think I should stay off work now with doctors notes until I start my maternity leave. I'm not sure as I feel like I'm taking advantage a bit.

I just want some advice. If you have had a similar circumstance, what did you do and how did it work out for you?

I don't want to feel like I'm 'cheating the system' if my situation doesn't warrant it. To be fair, I have had a lot of appointments and it's been good to not have to deal with work too.