Period trouble..

Hey ladies, just looking abit of advice/experience! 😊

So my periods are pretty regular, starting off brown/pink then turning rusty red and then turning brown day 3/4 before finishing (sorry for the tmi)

I decided to take a test and low and behold when I wiped there was my what is the chances 🤦🏾‍♀️ this month it came unexpectedly 4 days early, no cramps to indicate she was on her way and the only reason i tested was because I was planning on heading out this weekend.. anyway I got a horrible indent on the test, I'm used to these now, but it was a negative anyway!

My worry is my period started off bright bright red, I didnt get the usual spotting beforehand which I usually get, just bright red heavy flow, I'm now on day 5 of my cycle and I am still continuing to have bright red blood.. wondering has anyone experienced a wacky cycle like this.. my period has never been like this? And usually by day 5 I'm either finished my period or its coming to an end! Should I contact my doctor or is this normal? Slightly worried and confused! I don't believe i was pregnant or anything like that, I'm just concerned on this cycle could there be something more to it or maybe I'm thinking too much!

Any advice is greatly appreciated x