Preterm labor- Brethine shot?

So, I’m a young soon to be mom. Today I am 34 weeks. Last week Wednesday (Nov. 6th) I was admitted in the hospital and given medication (some blood pressure pill, procardia I believe) to stop preterm labor contractions. I was contracting about every 3-5 minutes but I could still talk through the contractions. I dilated to 1 cm while there before medication was given, at the time I was 33 weeks&1 day. On Sunday, the contractions intensified and were occurring around 3 minutes apart again. This time they were making me cry and made breathing a huge challenge. I was given a shot of Brethine to slow/ stop the contractions, to of which it caused them to space back out. I dilated just 1 extra cm at this point so now I’m at a 2. They also gave me two shots of bretamethane (something like that a steroid shot for the baby’s lung development), that night and one last night 24 hours apart. Is it normal to be feeling stronger contractions and more pressure today?? The contractions are staying about 25 minutes apart but getting pretty intense and that’s when they’d start getting closer the last two times. I’m only 34 weeks and I’m concerned that my Christmas baby is going to be a thanksgiving baby ☹️ feels like I’m getting punched in my vagina today , been up since 5:30am and was up and down all night. Anyone have any experience with these shots? Or preterm labor contractions?