Please please I need help. My husband had a note and everything.

I am having realy bad postpartum, I don't even want to leave my house, I'm crying every second. I am stressed the fuck out. I'm all over the place, all I want to do is sleeeeeep and cry. My husband left for his underway yesterday, before he left I called my doctors to get a note for my husband to stay behind due to houw bad my postpartum is!!! His chin of command They basically said it was to late... To late? Are you serious? God for bid I hurt myself that would be on the military? I am so damn tired of this! What should I do? Who should I contact? My husband needs to come home. I'm losing my shit. My husband is in the navy.

A few ppl said to call ombudsman..? What would they do if I call? Please somebody help me out please.