How to not be snappy with toddler while pregnant



I’ve been really gripey while pregnant. My son is also barely 2 and beginning to be whiny and in that terrible two stage. I’ve been so cranky with him and short tempered and I feel terrible.

He doesn’t deserve it. What can I do

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Take a deep breathe. Our hormones will sometimes get the best of us.... and besides... toddlers are a**holes as it is 😂😂😂 (got a 2 and a half year old here and 8 weeks pregnant) But it’ll get better, and you won’t be pregnant forever lol.I’m the meantime try to look for positive ways to include him in the day to day activities of your daily schedule. Find small things to praise him about, keep him busy so you aren’t always feeling smothered lol. I’d also read up occasionally about the emotional development of a 2 year old.Sometimes I have to read Pinterest articles to help remind me about what stage he’s going thru in his life to understand why he does certain things or how to help him learn better, or why he’s behaving a certain way. Definitely makes me feel like I can handle him, even if it’s just a little bit better, if I understand how his brain is thinking. But also take time for some self care, as hard as that can be, especially as a mom to a toddler. You got this!!! ❤️❤️❤️


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My daughter will be 3 in January and I felt the exact same way! Luckily my symptoms have eased up a bit now (I’m 11w1d), so I have a little more patience at this point. I’ve also been letting her watch more tv and play with the tablet more than I should, but at this point they’re survival tactics. She dropped her nap right when I got pregnant so it’s the only way I can get some down time. Just remember it’s only temporary, your hormones will level out soon.