Toddler got out today 😰

We had just gotten back from our walk in her push car and I noticed cat throw up on the front porch mat. I went to hose it off and thought my daughter went inside the house (the front door was already open and she usually runs inside with the dog).

I go inside, pee and get some water. I notice it’s really quiet in the house. I look in her playroom and bedroom. Nothing. I start yelling her name. Crickets. I go in the backyard and look around. Nothing. I start to get really frantic. I go to the front yard and start screaming her name. I’m running all around the front yard looking under porch chairs, etc.

Then I hear a voice from across the street. It’s the neighbor’s new nanny. She pointed to the sidewalk in front of the gate to our house and said, ‘she’s right there.’ and goes back inside the house. I’m full of so many emotions. How long did the nanny see her there? We play with their son all the time.

I pick my daughter up and hug her so hard she is crying and I start to cry this all happened in less than five minutes. So I have a ring bell and I look at the footage to see what happened. She had run around to the side of the house while I was hosing off the mat. She was in the front yard the entire time. I am so relieved I found her and so scared something horrible can happen so quickly she is so quick and all over the place. I am not knowing how to prevent this 100% from happening I am besides myself. I got her toddler backpack leashes I get all that stuff but it takes literally less than a minute she could have been run over by a car I feel nauseated and horrible.