NuvaRing Helpppppp

Brienna • Blessed wife and momma of a gorgeous little girl and 2 amazing step sons.

Okay so... I am 6mo postpartum. Since starting NuvaRing my period is very regular with taking it out on the third week and my period beginning that day or the next.

I went to Colorado to spend my grandpas last days with him. I had my NuvaRing in when I left and I wasn’t planning on being there as long as I was, time came to remove it and I started my period as normal.

NOW, my NuvaRing was inserted 3-5 days late, then had unprotected sex (other than the NuvaRing) 2-3 days after the NuvaRing was placed in late.

I’m normally SO ON TOP of it and dates and marked on calendar and everything but of course with my grandpas passing, my mind was other places and I didn’t even mark what day I put it in, I just know it was 3-5 days late and I had sex 2-3 days after that.

So with it being placed 3-5 days late, today would be the final day of the 3 weeks (if I’m going with 5 days) and I removed it. I normally have cramping a day or two ahead of my period and I’m showing ZERO signs.

Has anyone ever had something similar and what were the results?!

*My husband and I have discussed it obviously, and would be perfectly okay with it, just wasn’t planning on another so soon, I just want to soak up these moments with my little girl.

just wondering if I’m overthinking this, like everything else in life 😂😭 of if I could possibly be pregnant again.