Panic attack today at school


Today I had my first panic attack. And it was at school. I don’t know what the trigger was exactly . But I was walking in the hallway with my boyfriend and we were weaving through the crowd, and got a second, he had me walk in front of him. And I started to freak out a bit. I think because I couldn’t see him. I quickly got beside him and grabbed onto him. So as we parted ways and I went to class, I sat down and tried to start working. But my heart was racing a bit and I started breathing heavily. I texted my boyfriend about freaking out a bit in the hallway and I felt like I was about to cry. He was getting worried. I couldn’t breathe and I started to cry a bit, so I calmed myself down enough to face my teacher and went to the bathroom. So as soon as I walked out the door I started crying and hyperventilating. I got into the stall and texted my mom and my boyfriend about what was happening. My boyfriend told me he thinks I was having a panic attack. As I was texting my fingers started to lock up so while I could, I texted my classmate to tell my teacher I was going to the nurse. As I was walking to the nurse, i was hyperventilating even more and crying even harder. It took the nurse 10 minutes to calm me down just a bit before calling my parents. I was getting really upset because I could not move my fingers and I couldn’t stand. Time skip, I’m home in bed. I sleep for a couple hours and wake up fine but shaken. And that’s the story of my first panic attack.