So tired of my hair

So I’m 4 months pp now which means I haven’t had my hair done in over a year! During my pregnancy it grew so much and was so nice and lush but now it’s falling out, it’s always knotted, the colour is a gross orange near the bottom which used to be a brown to blonde balayage. And since I am on maternity leave I don’t have the $$ to go get it done. I have hair dresser friends that would totally judge me if I were to use a box dye. Plus I honestly don’t know if I feel like having to go through another colour correction in the future. How can I love my hair again without having an expensive visit to the stylist? Also I have a bit of a dilemma, when I first met my husband I was blonde and had a longer bob hair cut which was probably just above shoulder length, my husband had always begged me to grow it out, I’m not sure why so many men prefer long hair in women but whatever. So I grew it for him and now it’s past my boob, it drives me crazy, it gets knotted so easy, always looks messy, since it’s falling out it looks super thin and it gets oily super fast. I told him I wanted to get it cut into a bob again and he responded with “yeah do it if you want to look like a lesbian”. Ok first of all what’s wrong with looking like a lesbian? Nothing at all and secondly it’s my hair so I should be able to do whatever I like. But of course if I know he won’t like it then my self esteem will plummet for sure. I know that’s horrible that I’m letting a guy determine how i feel about my looks but I can’t help it.

So now I don’t know what to do with my hair.

Any suggestions?