I believe it!


A little background on me, my boyfriend and I have been ttc for 3 years now. The first two years of trying was torture. 10 pregnancies and not a single little one to hold and care for. And last year in March I had an ectopic pregnancy. My right fallopian time was removed and I was devastated. The following year I did not get pregnant at all even though we tried and tried. I have a son who is nine now and am thankful for him everyday, so I knew I was able to carry a baby, but I had give up all hope. I've beena tired emotional wreck this past week and figured it was just bc my period was expected and the up coming holiday stress. My boyfriend suggested last night that I was pregnant and I pretty much told him "yea right, you're nuts". Then just to prove him wrong I got this

I am so so so so so scared. I can't handle another loss there's nothing left of me to go with this baby is something goes wrong, but I want nothing more than to hold him or her in my arms I'm terrified and excited all at once. I'm praying and taking every precautionary step to keep this baby safe. Wish us luck with this journey!!!