He wasted my time...

Before the relationship got serious she told him what she was looking for and if he wasn’t ready for that then it was no need to continue in the relationship. He replied by saying, “I’m sure this is what I want.” Which was the beginning of False HOPE!

After about 2 years in the relationship. They talk about having a baby because she was 31 at the time with no children.. So the tried and after about 6 months of trying on their own nothing was happening.

They talked it over and she made sure that this is what wanted and he replied by saying, i’m sure this is what I want.” So they went to the OBGYN and started fertility treatments after she found out she had PCOS. Then after about 3 to 4 months she asked him again is this what you want and he assured her with a reply of, “ Baby this is what I want.” So they continued with the fertility treatments, doctor visit, and month after month of disappointing false pregnancy test.

So now that is has been right at a year trying she wanted to double check to make sure everything they were doing was correct. So the OBGYN checked for blockages and the test showed that one tube was blocked but they did get it unblocked the same day... TheOBGYN gave they much hope the she was positive that she would conceive this month, so make sure they baby dance during ovulation..

Thet left the dr and she was very excited with hope that THIS IS THE MONTH. After tracking her cycle is was baby dance time so she told him it was time and later that evening it was about to go down. Going about her day in excitement, she had no idea what was about to happen during lunch. They met up about he walked up to her and rubbed her should and the first thing that comes from his lips is, I DONT WANT TO HAVE A BABY.”

What the ****!!!!! Are you kidding me right now!!!!! Is all she could say. He wasted 3 years of her life knowing he didn’t want a child or a future with her. He wasted money doing fertility treatments and allowed her to endure the pain that was unnecessary at the time if he wasn’t ready. He lied to her over and over because she kept asking was he sure.

Now she is 34 years old and feel like her time is running out and have to wait on another but HOPEFULLY the right man to come along that right for her...

He wasted her damn time!!!! 😡😡😡😡