Can't hold my stress anymore 😢


It has been a roller coaster ride all through out my pregnancy. Now I am 31 weeks and as my due date is getting closer, the stress and depression that I am feeling is getting worst as well. 💔 I can't go to work anymore because my blood pressure keeps getting lower cos Im on graveyard shift. I need to go to my check up every week just to monitor me and my baby's health. I've been experiencing early labor signs already. 😞 As much as I want to buy the things that my baby will need if in case he has to come early, I can't. I have my 4year old son with me, and I've been supporting him for 4years now on my own. Unfortunately his dad and I are married but I guess when we ended our relationship, he also ended up thinking that he has a son to feed. But thats fine with me, as long as my son is with me, I will do everything. All my savings when I was still working needs to be put on my medication all through out. Been in and out of the hospital on my first and second trimester because of sensitive pregnancy issues. The father of my second child is with me right now, and Im blessed I guess because he stepped in the plate where my ex husband has left and stood as a father on my eldest. His salary only covers our food, bills and my medicines, sometimes he will give everything to me once he got paid. I will ask him to keep some so that if emergency will happen, he can take something out from his wallet. Challenges and struggles are real deal. I just want to vent out to you guys my fellow moms and moms to be. 💕🤰 Last night I also tried to look for my eldest's newborn clothes if his baby brother could use it, since we dont really have extra to buy new clothes and things for him when he arrives, unfortunately, since its already 4yrs when I had him, all the newborn stuffs that he had, has been damage because of age. 🤦‍♀️💔 Even a single piece of receiving blanket. If only my mom is still here, I guess everything will fall into place. 😥🌈 And there's someone who can help me with everything that I am going through.

Have a blessed day mommies! There's always a rainbow after the rain. 🌺 *Hugs*