I can’t take the BFNS anymore 😭

Autum • Oct. 2020 ❤️

This marked our official 5month TTC. Would be 6 but the first month I was just off birth control and doubt I even ovulated. I know women have been doing this for years and I couldn’t even imagine the heartbreak for doing this for double as long as I have. But the heartbreak really hurts every month🥺 I thought this would easy and “ooo first time and we’d be pregnant!” Obviously I have learned ALOT about my body, how TTC works, and even other women’s bodies during this TTC time of our lives. I feel like I’ve adjusted my entire life TTC, trying to do everything right. And no BFP. Plus with all these tests giving off horrible indents it makes is SOOO much harder. Feeling defeated 🥺🙁