I need help, please..


So, I have been dating my boyfriend for about a year and 3months. We have had our ups and downs like any relationship but we have been good by the end of the day. Lately my boyfriend has been odd, very cold and stand off ish. He didn’t want to kiss me, hasn’t slept in the same bed as me and doesn’t seem to want to give me any kind of affection. I have been confused but letting it go (mind you, he’s been like this for about 3 weeks now) but I noticed the only time he seemed loving in anyway toward me is when he has wanted to have sex (which we haven’t done much of that lately either)

I have been pretty emotional lately, utterly confused about what’s going on, don’t know what I should do to make it better.. the other day I finally snapped, he would t give me a kiss before bed. I broke down in front of him and got upset.

I said “ oh yeah. I forgot, the only time you want to care is when you want sex” and I stormed off to the room balling.

He didn’t come after me, he didn’t try and talk to me, nothing. He hid under the blanket on the couch.

I ended up taking a few deep breaths and going out to be the big person. To talk to him about it.

This man wouldn’t even sit up to talk to me. He turned toward me and listened for the most part. I apologized for flipping out like that, I explained a little that I have been bottling everything up and I finally blew, And I flat out asked him what has been up with him? He hasn’t been affectionate with me at all, whines if I even go to touch him, doesn’t want to kiss me anymore.

He told me he has just been tired and not feeling well, and he hasn’t felt the want to be affectionate toward me, (which killed me to hear) but the thing is he hasn’t been sick for a couple weeks now, he has a small cough and that’s all.

I explained to him how I felt, not leaving anything out, I told him I have felt used, that he doesn’t care about me and that I’m just a thing for sex for him. I have been emotional, too emotional and I think it was the birth control I’m on that did that. I admitted that to him and I did apologize for getting too worked up sometimes. And I told him I have been getting frustrated cause I have done everything he’s asked but it hasn’t helped anything (pitching in more, cleaning cat litter more often, sweeping, laundry etc.) he told me he expected that from me and I shouldn’t expect anything from doing it.

I told him that I was hooding he’d be in a better mood if I did everything he wanted but all I got was his sour mood. But I got the same answer out of him.

Look whoever is reading this, I have been really trying, really, but idk if it’s my fault things aren’t going well, or not. Idk what’s going on with him. Today he left without even saying goodbye, he always tells me he’s leaving, and hugs me before he goes. so I messaged him telling him I was a little upset with him and that I hoped he’d be home before I left to say Goodbye (I’m leaving today through the weekend to hangout with my friends)

He then called me and told me to stop and that I was pushing him away and making him not to want to come home and be, in his words “all kissy and lovey dovey” (all I Want is a fucking hug and a goodbye.)at that point I was already starting to tear up so I just said fine and he hung up. I started crying again cause I’m hurt by it.

I need help though, what the hell should I do? Is this my fault ? I can’t talk to my friends cause all they would say is to break up with him but I want to try and make this work. If I can.

I’m just tired of crying and being upset and worried he’s gonna just up and leave while I’m sleeping one night.

(Ps- there is a age gap between us hes 35 I am 21. Our age has never been a problem but I wonder if that’s maybe what is causing this?)

Please help me, I’ll be with my friends this weekend, but please comment or even message me to let me know what you think.

Thank you for reading this, sorry if it’s such a mess.