✨ 6 Years Later ✨

Lauren • • Happily Married💍🔥💋 • Momma👦🏼👼🏻👧🏼🐺🐺

Long story but I don’t care 🍿

I was 23 years old. Getting over an odd fling breakup shit-uation

An old friend from high school invited me to his and his roommates annual Halloween Party. At first I declined, I’m not a partier, but I thought more about it as the day finally came.

I was supposed to meet up with a potential relationship but he showed up later and I was irritated by it (3 hours late) I told him to just go home.

I got into a quick costume - black leggings, black shirt, long black gloves, black masquerade mask, and a red cape - I went as KARMA

I showed up, the only one who wouldn’t be drinking, and I instantly felt drawn to this one guy in particular. He was standing alone in the grass, I am very outgoing, so I went up and asked him if I join him in being a wall flower. He nervously chuckled then walked away. Confused but no harm done. He then came back with a chair for me to sit in. We talked for hours.

I did my best to give him hints that I wanted his number - Facebook - Instagram - anything - but he was super oblivious 🙄

The night ended for us and we went our separate ways. Me to my house him to his dads.

The next day I got up, I got dressed super cute and I went to his work. Looking back it was a completely creepy thing but I’m a woman who knows what she wants and I’m stubborn. I walked into his work, then realized I wore a mask THE WHOLE FREAKIN NIGHT!!! He wouldn’t recognize me 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I had a small freak out. He looked up, and booked it to me (cutting off his boss 🤣)

I asked him if he was available for a date that evening and he said yes. I gave him my number and address. We went to the fall festival our town was having and it was incredible. We had so many laughs. We went out several times that week.


This picture was taken on of our first dates

We were inseparable. In love. I was obsessed with him and he was completely devoted to me.


6 months into our relationship I got pregnant. He didn’t leave. He didn’t abandon ship. He freaked out (rightfully so) but he was there every step of the way


December 30, 2014 - Atlas Larkin was born. Healthy c-section. I recovered quickly and beautifully.

And he was right there for the whole thing. He didn’t leave me at the hospital. He didn’t leave me once we got home. He woke up every time our son needed him so I could heal.


October 24, 2015 - we said our vows to each other in front of those who meant the whole to us


I had an ectopic pregnancy on December 24, 2016 and I almost died, (my Fallopian tube burst and I was internally bleeding from it)

He didn’t leave me. I wasn’t alone. He stayed with me the whole time holding my hand, never letting it go.

I was released from the hospital on Christmas Day and I was so happy to be alive, and with my husband and son


After trying for a year and half with no luck, we finally got our rainbow baby. I found out I was pregnant April 25, 2018 (same day I found out I was pregnant with our son) and our rainbow baby’s due date was December 25, 2018 (also, the same as our sons due date)

Again, my husband didn’t leave us. He was ecstatic that we finally had a sibling for our son.


Adelina JoAnn was born December 4, 2018 and we were so happy she was finally here.


On October 27, 2019 we bought our first home (in California that is something hard to do with only one income)


I am stay at home mom, and wife. I have been since September 2014.


After 6 years, 3 babies, 3 pups, 5 moves later, we are still madly in love. We might be in a parental routine but we still are crazy about each other. And I will always be grateful for that Halloween Party. I will always be completely obsessed with him. And he will always be devoted to me.


Our love story is my greatest story to tell and share.

And it all started with a chair 🥰
