I really need to talk about this

Zoey • just a tired girl living a busy life

I need advice me and my boyfriend got in to a fight last night about sexual stuff and I was telling him I want to do for stuff for me because all we do it stuff for him and he said “I’ve been doing stuff for you more often “ which is not true he does the same amount of stuff which to mention is not a lot at all like maybe once every other week and I do stuff to him every day I come over it’s not fair he said he wants to do stuff to me but he said there is like a mental block when it comes to it like wtf does that even mean so I just tell him I’ll do it myself and he gets mad at me like wtf if he’s not gonna do it I’ll do it myself like is my body not attractive to him it just really really hurt because he called me unappreciated like I am when he actually does do something even though it’s not often he got mad at me for staying something and what hurt more was when he got mad at me for asking him to go down on me and he said he didn’t mind it then last night he told me it’s gross and he hates it like why did he have to lie to me about it I do stuff for him I don’t like because I love him and I want him to feel good I guess it doesn’t go the same way for me it’s heart breaking I’m sorry my grammar and punctuation is not the best at all I’m just frustrated I just wait to scream and this is not our first time talking about it wouldn’t he think it’s bothering me that’s why I say something I don’t just say it to start a fight