so confused

Every month I track my ovulation, this is the only month I didn’t. Usually I’m either a day before or a day after what glow predicts.

Af was suppose to show the 8th. It is now the 15th. I’m usually right on schedule if not maybe a day or two late. I took a hcg test w/ fmu the 11th & got a positive. A few hours later, got a negative w/ a separate test. Then took a fr w/ fmu the 12th, got a negative. I’ve gotten nothing but negatives since. It’s now the 15th, still no signs of af.

My only symptoms are just exhaustion, nausea once in a while, & more cm than normal. The cm is thick & sticky. My doctors office can’t get me in for a few days. Has anyone else had a similar experience and ended up pregnant or maybe af just decided to skip this month? Do you guys think the positive hcg test was a false positive? Any advice would be appreciated . ♥️