Widowed parent dating...

Laura • SAHM

My mom passed away in Jan. 2016, and it has been a hard thing to cope with for my entire family. She was definitely the glue. I know it's been extremely hard on my dad and he has been quite lonely. Luckily my sister and I live close but I know it's not the same. Well a few weeks ago he had reacquainted with an old college friend at an alumni dinner. She is also a widow (10 years). When he first mentioned her I thought nothing of it, but now he has told me that they have had two "dates" he didn't use the word date, but basically that's what it is. I am not sure how I feel about it. OBVIOUSLY, I want my dad to be happy and to not feel so lonely, I guess I just never thought he would date someone. And idk how to deal with it, because I feel like it's still too soon. Please, no harsh comments. Everyone deals with grief differently and I know my dad is a big boy and can date if he wants, but I'm just looking for some advice or words from someone that has gone with something similar? How did you cope with your parent dating? Idk if this is even going to become a serious thing, but just want to prepare myself.