What's wrong with me? Vent

Mimi • IVF mama. Boy mom (9 year old, angel baby, and pregnant with our rainbow) 🌈

Backstory: When I met my husband I already had a son from someone else and knew I wanted more. After the first year of unprotected sex I noticed I wasn't getting pregnant. I thought it was unusual as it took me 3 months to conceive my son. Forward to now where we have been 6 years together, unprotected sex, and NOT A SINGLE positive. We saw an infertility doctor in July but didn't get any answers that will help us conceive but signed up for health insurance for 2020 to see another infertility doc and possibly look into doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> since we have Progyny. Anywho, the way I've been feeling the past 4 years is concerning and I don't know what else to do? Deep down I'm sad, my sex drive has dramatically dipped low. I feel like what is the point of having sex if we aren't getting pregnant. Sex is not fun and the thought of it makes me cringe. I'm angry towards him at times and everyone else around me. I have no one to talk to about this so I hold it in. Thinking of telling my husband how I really feel tonight. Does anyone else feel the same about sex especially now that you are TTC?!?