36w4d 👶🏻⏰

Kenna • CNA 👩🏼‍⚕️ bfp 04/02/19 - due 12/10/19 💙 born 11/16/2019 🌈 surprise bfp 02/08/20 - due 10/11/20 💙 born 09/16/2020 Mom to my angel baby 👼🏻 Endometriosis, hypothyroid, hashimoto, inflammatory arthritis & connective tissue disorder

Theoden Patrick Michael 💙 7lbs 4oz & 20in

I was induced due to cholestasis, autoimmune problems & chronic hypertension.

Got to the hospital at midnight for induction. Was at 2cm when I arrived. Pitocin was started at 2a and water was broke around 7-8a! Labored until 11:30a before I started a fentanyl drip. 12:30 the contractions became more intense so got the epidural. Dilated to a 4-5 around 2:50p then the contractions stopped. 🤦‍♀️ at 5p I was checked again and finally 8cm. Was rolled onto my side (couldn’t feel anything below the waist due to my epidural). Could feel a little pressure around 6:30p and was complete! Started practice pushing at 6:47p and he was here by 7:27p 💙 only a small scratch on the inside of my vag from his nail! We got an hour of sacred time (just mom, baby and dad time) and he’s doing great for being 36w4d!

We didn’t follow my birth plan at all. I wanted no epidural, pain meds only when needed and only wanted my mom and boyfriend in the room. Instead I got pain meds early on, epidural when the back pain and left side pain was unbearable and let my mom, grandma, boyfriend and boyfriends mom in the room.

And I’m pretty sure he’s my twin 😂