Feeling Like 💩🗑️ New Update


I got my ultrasound full report back this morning and everything is normal with my daughter. The report confirms that her head is engaged and in the Cephalic position, she officially dropped. I'm waiting for my Dr to call me(most likely tomorrow) to ask her what I can do to minimize any chances of contractions or preterm labor. She had mentioned that if I have any type of rhythmic contractions or my water breaks to go to the hospital right away. They would have to send me to the hospital on the other side of our "city" (it's not a very big city) where they have a NICU. I am 32 Weeks and 5 Days today. I've been having issues for the last 11 days or so including a lot of pain. No contractions and I haven't had any Braxton Hicks in a few days. She just needs to stay for about 3 more weeks minimum!

I have another post that has most of my symptoms and how I've been feeling. I've been in bed or on the couch as much as possible (I have an almost 2 yr old), but it only helps so much.