I have learned the truth about tampons.... for years I used tampax off brand tampons. But I found out this summer that all those tampons are bleached and not really cotton.... 😱😱 so I started buying lola tampons they are unbleached and 100% ORGANIC cotton I eat a strict diet of all organic food my make up is vegan and obviously cruelty free I try my best to care for my self I just never thought about my lady bits or what I was using until I did some intensive research on pcos and endometriosis and I stumbled upon a study about women switching their tampons / pads.

Okay so to make a long story short for years I have had the most painful periods there would be times I would go months with having a period And they would only last 3 days. there were even times I was hospitalized because of the pain I would be throwing up and passing out.

So this year I switched to lola tampons and let me tell you ever since I switched. My cramps arent bad at all my periods do last longer but I'm okay with that. I have regular periods no more guessing i feel so normal now when it comes to my cycle. Its definitely a confident booster especially with TTC. And if you have pcos or endometriosis you know what I'm talking about it. I truly do believe it's because im not shoving a bleached false fabric up my hoohaaa if you've ever done the research and read studies of how chemicals effect the body you'll understand why I decided to make the change to a all organic unbleached tampons.

I just wanted to share my experience with you ladies maybe if you try changing up your protection you'll experience a change. And trust me it's such a relief now that I'm regular.