ladies i need help staying positive

i miscarried last year at the end of this month which is so weird cause i found out i was pregnant at the beginning of this month. a whole year later and i have my rainbow. but i can’t help be nervous. my pregnancy tests where getting darker , my hcg is rising really good. but i can’t help but worry that when i go into my doctors in december they’ll tell me there’s no baby. i’ve had one miscarriage and i’m already off my rocker with this whole pregnancy. every weird cramp , tight muscle or anything sends me into stress. i feel my boobs daily to make sure they still hurt. i’m still nauseous but it’s on and off and not as bad. usually worse in the morning. idk what to do. i’m trying to stay positive. my friend thinks i’m going crazy. i try not to think about it but when i’m lying in bed wide awake unable to sleep that’s all that goes through my mind