Can’t get it on bc of my dog

Im way too much of a dog mom. Honestly it’s kind of embarrassing how much I put this dog on a pedestal.

My SO and I finally got our own place after 4 years (high school sweethearts). Right before we moved out, we rescued a sick puppy. She’s amazing and the sweetest and honestly my whole world. But kind of makes it impossible for me to enjoy sex.

We would love to just bang it out in every room of the house like we would when we went to a hotel back in the day, but this dog is very attached (she has very bad separation anxiety). We close our bedroom door and all we hear is crying and barking. We wanna bang on the couch and she sticks her nose in my butt. Not to mention everywhere we try to do the dirty, there’s so. Much. Dog. Hair. The shower is the only place we can get some peace and quiet but as soon as I start moaning, this dog will poke her head in the curtain.

Am I weird for not wanting my dog to watch me to the point where it makes me not want to have sex? Don’t answer that bc the answer is yes.

Toys and bones don’t work. She can’t have any distracting food or treats bc of her stomach issues. Im just wanna have sex once a day like a normal person but don’t want to have to give up letting her sleep in our room. Rant over😂