High Risk Sex....

Katy • I am a first time mom with a little boy. ❤️🥰

So, I was deemed "high risk" at about 6 weeks due to some slight vaginal bleeding. None of which was a cautious color, just a large amount. The urgent care doctor told me to not have any sex until otherwise deemed. (I've never had a miscarriage or any other problems and this is my first pregnancy, there is just a lot of family history in pregnancies) Anyways, it's been almost 3 weeks since my urgent care visit with no other complications and I have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. (Not my OB since I dont have insurance yet)

My question is, should I have not had sex or was it okay too?

TMI...My husband was very gentle and never hit my cervix since i was worried it would start something. I think we both just wanted the sensation. I actually feel alot better but now my concern is 100% my baby.