You’re not that pregnant

Shelby • Married to my best friend ❤ Mommy to my little prince and princess!!

I’m getting really sick and tired of older women telling me that I’m not that pregnant!

I’m 22 weeks pregnant with my second child. I feel horrible. Hip and back pain and sick feel sick sometimes. Way different than my daughter a couple years ago. And for some damn reason I can’t vent to my mom cause all she says is you’ve got a long way to go or to stop being dramatic, I’m not that pregnant.

Went out with hubby a few nights ago to go dancing. And because I asked if we could Uber from the parking garage instead of walking a mile and a half, his buddy’s wife yelled at me and said girl you’re not that pregnant! You can walk! We did end up ubering cause my husband lost his shit and didn’t wanna make me walk that far. But seriously, my pregnancy isn’t your pregnancy. Don’t tell me I’m not that pregnant. I’m small. My body hurts. I’m out of breath. Don’t tell me I’m not that pregnant and make me feel like shit.