Invalid test?


Sorry guys I know you all are probably tired of my post and questions!!

But is this an invalid ovulation test? This is my first time trying this brand and it said to hold it for 5 seconds or until the dye runs and the dye ran pretty quick, before 5 seconds but I still held it till at least 5 sec! But this was the test before dipping it in the cup,

This is while the dye was running at a 2 min mark.

And this is how dark it was right at the 5 mins.

I’ve never had an ovulation test really look like this, but I’m taking another tonight before bed because im taking two a day. One mid afternoon and then at night so I can try and really catch it.

(Or should I take one in the morning and then at night or mid afternoon, WHAT ARE GOOD TIMES TO TAKE THEM!!!)

But does this look invalid to you, or just really light, Ive just never had one this light and I did just get off my period yesterday so I definitely knew it would be light I just wanted to start tracking.