Why must AF come every month 😭😭

Autum • Oct. 2020 ❤️

Well CD 1 🙁 I am so tired of seeing BFNS, and AF coming 😭😭 also am so tired of these INDENTS!!! I’ve had sooo many tests look like they were going to turn positive because of indents ! This is all so heart breaking 😭😭 I just want to hold my child but first I need to actually get pregnant 🤦🏼‍♀️ making this our 6 month TTC, we are also young in our 20’s. Makes me worried 🥺 I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 13... almost 10 years ago.. but I’ve taken BC since and I have been off of it for 6 months, and my periods are regular, I get positive OPKS, and get EWCM... wondering if it’s time to see a doc 🥺