dancing man almost YEETED me out of the store

This will be hard to believe but I wish I could show you the strange things I see at this Walmart. During the day it’s fine but at night the crazies come out. Last night I did a quick run to Walmart for my mom to get some aspirin and this was the only reason I was willing to go because my mom was In pain and begging me and my man sent money with me and told me to get him a giant bag of sour skittles because he’s a freak. I call him that because those things eat away at your mouth and I think he enjoys that pain. Anyways, I’m looking for the candy isle and when I find it there is just this guy going to TOWN dancing in the candy isle. I like to not be judgmental of anyone and man maybe he was just really happy about the candy he was about to get and couldn’t contain himself. He can dance if he wants to 🤷‍♀️ maybe he’s having himself a mental break down and like, me too bud.

But still I was like lord please do not let those sour skittles be right where he is. I’m too socially awkward to talk to this dancing man.

Lo and behold, he was dancing right in front of those skittles but I didn’t want to go home without them so I’m standing there staring at him trying to think about how I was going to get his attention because he did not care he was boppin and I’m like “excuse me” as I walk close with a smile on my face and he just completely ignores me. He kinda moves enough that I have a chance to get the skittles and at this point I’m like... okay I’m going for it. I thought he moved intentionally like “this is the only way I will acknowledge your existence” kinda thing lmao

Boom. His boppity boppin hip bone hit me and everything went flying. My phone flew, my keys went too and I caught myself from falling on the floor completely so im just on my knees and he’s like “I’m sorry” and helps me up and just continues on with this bopping but you know what? I got the skittles. Mission accomplished.

The things we do for love.