Is it fair to give a student a zero if the file /paper they turned in , prior to due date, would not open on professors end?

I turned in a report a week prior to due date and received a grade for it yesterday. Firstly, in the assignment submission area my professor stated that I never turned in an assignment. But also in the assignment tab my report was RIGHT THERE AND COULD BE VIEWED/OPENED. So I emailed him and he responds with the fact that I got a zero was that it couldn’t be opened.. so you give me a zero??? I asked if I should email him my report ,bc I for one refuse to accept a zero, and still receive credit bc I DID turn it in wayyy early. He told me I had to speak to the director and was no help at all🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so annoyed that these people are playin with my grade 😤 and that I have to commute to campus on my off day to handle some bs

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