Don’t know what to do

My 2nd baby just turned 11 months today and I found out I’m pregnant. About 5 weeks. That puts the due date on my first’s 4th birthday and 19 months apart from my 2nd. I made an appointment to proceed with a medical abortion but my husband and I still have to truly decide and discuss when he gets home from work. Both of my other children were 100% planned so this is a range of emotions I’ve never felt before. Financially, adding a child to our family would be a struggle. I don’t know what I’m looking for really. I guess I’m most nervous about the abortion route because it’s unknown for me. I know that I’m capable of going the pregnancy route. I guess I’m hoping to hear from someone who went through something similar as well as medical abortion testimonials (process, cost, etc). We don’t even know how we’ll afford the medical abortion right now, let alone a whole pregnancy/child. Any words would help right now.