I feel lost...

Katy • I am a first time mom with a little boy. ❤️🥰

Well, I recieved some awful news last night. I was in urgent care because I had an ultrasound earlier that day that made me concerned. Of course, being a new momma I wanted answers...

Dr came in and told me that the gestational sac was measured at 9 weeks (which is what I would have been today) but the baby supposedly only measured at 7 weeks. They told me that they could not find a heart rate, which confused me because my mother in law was in the room with me and she swore she could see it....anyway, the urgent care doctor thinks I had an incomplete miscarriage. She also said my HCG levels dropped just a little. But not by much apparently.

However, i have had no cramping, no spotting of any sort, no pain anywhere...nothing. I've still had every possible pregnancy symptom and still do. I am beyond upset but so confused at the same time. This ultrasound picture was transvaginal and the details are very distinct. You can literally see baby's features and hands... I dont want to loose this baby but I'm afraid I already lost it...