Baby Boy Name - Disagreeing with Husband


We found out we are having a little boy and couldn’t be more excited! 💙💙

I have always wanted to name my son after my father/grandfather even before I knew my husband (and we are high school sweethearts!) My father is an only child with two girls, so our last name ends with us. It’s very important to me that my dad’s legacy is honored in some way especially considering how close we are and all he has done for us!

But my husband will not hear it. My husband and dad get along beautifully so that’s not the issue. He keeps saying well what about my father’s name, my family etc. I feel since I have taken my husband’s last name and our children will also have his last name, it shouldn’t matter! We keep going back and forth, I even shed some tears over it, but I feel like I am getting nowhere! My husband has said let’s give the baby my fathers middle name, but I just don’t see the point in that.

Has anyone dealt with something similar or have any thoughts?