Worried Possible Breast Cancer, Weird Indentations 😥


Okay so a month ago I felt a lump in my breast while examining myself and slight discoloration happening.. I wasn't too worried because it felt like a cyst and I'm only 26. So I scheduled a doctors appointment for 2 weeks from when I found the lump, no biggy. Well I pointed out the new discoloration and after the doctor trying to find the (1inch wide) lump for a good 5 minutes I showed her exactly where is was and she found it immediately. She said we would schedule for a mammogram/ultrasound to see what it was. I left feeling confident it was nothing... fast-forward to now.. They couldn't schedule me because my insurance was still waiting for a contract to be signed by the hospital 🤷‍♀️ Okay, well I have now found an additional TWO MORE LUMPS in the same breast and the discoloration is now turning into straight up indents right where the lumps are located, not only this I have developed an ache in my breast 🤦‍♀️ so here I am I just barely got scheduled and they are so booked that I got lucky getting an appointment that someone canceled 2 1/2 weeks from today considering my doctor didn't make it urgent either. I am now worried that this may be Inflammatory Breast Cancer and with an aggressive cancer like that any amount of time delay can be a crucial. I went from feeling totally fine to almost complete panic. My breast looks and feels like its deteriorating very quickly...

Anyone deal with indentations in their breast like this or know of it? I am including a picture with the lumps circled as well.

UPDATE: So I went to the Urgent care, but for a very bad viral cough I've had for 2 days with no sleep lol I needed relief and got codeine and an inhaler. But anyway while I was there before the doctor left the room I asked for her opinion on my breast and the time frame before my mammogram/ultrasound... She took a look a did say the indentations were concering and that it is definitely a marker they look for. However every single breast clinic in the state is booked out. She did give me a list of all their locations and a number to call to get me on the cancellation wait list so that if someone cancels I can get seen sooner. I'm really hoping someone cancels because I've already been dealing with this unknowing for awhile now 😥