MIL drama

You guys I need some advice!

I just gave birth a couple of weeks ago and to help with my other 2 ages 3 and 2 my MIL is staying with is for a few months.

I've only spent time with her 3 times for about 4 months each time since my husband and I been married (5 years) she lives in a different country.

Usually she is very nice and we get along well, but this time around she is driving me insane!

My husband works long hours and her and I are just home I just gave birth so I'm just at home and she doesn't drive so we are both bored and we both wait all day for my husband her son to get home.

My husband usually comes home around 11 pm midnight sometimes. I always wait up for him and make him dinner and we spend a little time talking then he goes to sleep wakes up early and does it all over again (he works 6 days a week) now that my MIL is home she wants time with him as well which is totally understandable but she is now making dinner and makes it a point to wait by the door (her room faces the parking so she sees him park)and goes to the door and basicly they talk and talk till my husband can't keep his eyes open anymore, so then he comes to our room and basically goes to sleep as he or course is tired.

So I was trying to wake up early so that I would make him breakfast and spend a little time with him, but now she wakes up before I do and has breakfast ready for him and waits to talk to him so again I'm left with no time with my husband.

We can't all be together because I don't speak their native language or understand it and my MIL doesn't speak English so she always thinks when all 3 of us are together I'm talking about her and asks my husband go translate every single thing I say which is quite annoying because he translates but then she starts talking about something else so basically I'm just listening to them talk.

I asked my husband to take some time off work so we (him and i) could spend just a couple of hours talking and cuddling not just sleeping. So he came home early yesterday with the plans to spend time with me, well... that didn't happened, he did come home and started talking to me but my MIL came running out to talk to him and once again I'm just sitting there listening to them talk, I was a little frustrated so I left to my room and after a couple of hours my husband comes to our room and tries to spend time with me, that lasted for about 15 minutes before she calls him out and starts crying because he isn't spending time with her and why he calls me during the day and doesn't call her.

I'm losing my mind, but I ser my husband so happy to be spending time with his mom. We had previously talked about her moving in with us permanently but now I can't bare the thought and he is set on her moving in.

I understand as mom you want to spend time with your son but this is just too much I can't handle it but how am I supposed to say anything without looking or sounding like a desperate jealous bitch?

I have no one and I mean no one that i can talk to, the ONLY person I talk to is my husband, I have no friends or family so as you can imagine this is taking a toll of my mental health.