To my niece

You are now 13 years old. Your mother, and my parents (your grandparents) spoil you rotten, given your useless low-life criminal father has not been in your life since you was only a few months old. Why is it that you act like a complete whore - sending nude photos of yourself to random boys that you have never even met in real life, knowing full well that the randoms might actually be paedophiles? Why do you have to try to intimidate/bully others? Why do you have to impersonate others? Why do you have to steal? Why do you have to lie about even the smallest of things, when we can see straight through your lies? Why do you insist on running away from home constantly? Why do you self harm? Why is it that when people close to you try to set basic boundaries, you lash out screaming and trying to hit/bash those whom are only trying to look after you? Do you not realise that being a child is easy in comparison to what being an adult is? You claim nobody loves you, but at least you are in a stable family environment where you have love and ground rules and all that you could ever need, away from drug/alcohol addiction and mental/physical abuse, or even foster care or living on the streets. Think before you make us out to be the bad ones. I am honestly ashamed to be your aunty right now, so it is high time you snap out of it.

Edit 1: She has a great support system with her family (mother, grandparents, aunty), godfather, cousins, friends, teachers, sporting coaches, councellors, yet every time they tell her to calm down or talk with her to advise her her actions are unacceptable, she runs and tells other randoms that her support system is hurting her feelings and how she wants to kill herself because the support system lays down basic ground rules which aren't to her liking.