13w1d gender guesses!!??


Hey moms ❤️❤️

So we had our first ultrasound today but our technician wasn’t comfortable telling us a gender yet and said she wouldn’t give us an answer until our next ultrasound in mid January 😭😭 we have 2 boys and are PRAYINGGGG for a girl this time. (Too much testosterone in my household right now. Lol) What do you think the gender is???? We have tried a few old wives tales to predict what we are having (we know these are “just” old wives tales though. Lol). This pregnancy is WAYYYYYY different than my last two. I am already showing (with my other pregnancies I didnt show until 6-7 months). I am carrying differently than my other pregnancies (I am carrying high this time which makes us think girl). We looked up the chinese gender predictor calendar and it said boy. And we did the baking soda gender test and it resulted in girl. I have felt TERRIBLE this pregnancy as far as nausea and my moods (with my other pregnancies, I felt normal as if I weren’t even pregnant). Sorry for the long rant 😂 what do you all think the gender is??!! Im being so impatient!!