


Has anyone ever gone backwards in dilation?? Two weeks ago I was told I was two centimeters dilated, the next week another doctor said I was only one centimeter, and yesterday at the hospital the nurse that checked said I was only a fingertip dilated. I’ve been in so much pain for the past couple weeks with random contractions and cramps and you would think I would have progressed more. It’s getting really depressing.

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Posted at
I think, since you’ve had 3 different people check, it’s showing differently because they all have different finger sizes. I don’t think it was possible to go backwards but I could be wrong, not a doctor or nurse. 😛


Posted at
Correct me if I’m wrong but 1cm and a fingertip are the same right? I was always under the impression it was! But as the other mamas said it’s because you have different people checking. I’d probably choose one person and stick with them until labor 😂


A • Nov 20, 2019
You can always refuse a check! They aren’t necessary if you aren’t in labor


Megan • Nov 20, 2019
That’s what I want to do but with the practice I go to I have no choice but to see four different doctors. They’re the only practice available in the area.


Posted at
I honestly think it’s just being it’s different people checking you. I asked to be checked at my last appointment (36 weeks) and it was the PA that is still training with the doctor and when she checked I barely felt anything. Like no pressure or anything and she said I was only a finger tip dilated. When I was pregnant with my first I was 1 cm at 37 weeks and when they did that check it was pretty uncomfortable and I felt a ton of pressure. So I almost feel like she didn’t quite check me fully especially because this baby is so damn low that she literally feels like she cant go any lower because if she does she’ll fall out and I have so much pressure in my pelvis on the daily. Again I could be wrong, maybe I am only a fingertip dilated but I definitely have been curious if the doctor actual checked me if she would have said something different.


Jess • Nov 20, 2019
Yeah it’s super weird feeling movements literally that low.


Megan • Nov 20, 2019
I feel like if he goes any lower he’ll just fall out too it’s like walking with a bag of brick between my knees. I figured different doctors will mean different opinions. When the first one checked me it was almost no pressure and he said I was a solid two the other two times felt like they were trying to shove their whole arm inside me and their measurements were smaller.


Posted at
Yah it’s cause you had different people check you can’t go backwards


Posted at
The doctor I saw told me it’s not possible to go backwards, so I think you just have varying opinions unfortunately!