Big boy😳

Christy • 👰4.9.14🧒💙1.21.15👼8.14.18🧒💙12.5.19👶💗6.16.21

Well, he is estimating at 8lbs 3oz at 36 weeks. Pretty much on track with past measurements as he has measured ahead for a while. Ultrasound tech stated she has always been pretty accurate, but to still give or take a pound just in case. She also mentioned she will probably be inducing me at 38 weeks but that we will talk more about it on Monday. I am adding a picture of my little ham, those cheeks😍

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Posted at
Looks so beautiful 😍 I bet you can’t wait to squish those cheeks! X


Posted at
Omg look at those cheeks! I had an ultrasound done yesterday and little man was measuring 6lbs 3oz and I’m only 34 weeks😂


Ab • Nov 20, 2019
Neither can I!! Update is when baby gets here!! I anxious to know what your little one ends up weighing!


Christy • Nov 20, 2019
Sounds like he will be a pretty good size too! We are all so close and I cannot wait to see all the pictures!


Posted at
So sweet, those cheeks!!! Even if the are off by a pound he’s gonna be a big boy! My growth scan with my first was pretty accurate. I feel like they have gotten better in recent years.


Posted at
Oh my those cheeks!!!! Such a chunky little thing. I definitely want to see pictures when he’s born!


Christy • Nov 20, 2019
I definitely will!


Posted at
Gorgeous baby! Those cheeks 😍My daughter was the same way. They did an growth scan at 38 weeks and she measured 9 lbs 15 oz. they told me the same thing that they could be off by 1 lb...they were off by 2 oz. she came out 9 lbs 13 oz


Boo • Nov 20, 2019
I understand that! I ended up with a c-section with her. Her stomach and head were measuring really large and that’s their best way to measure shoulders so they were very concerned for her getting stuck or getting shoulder dystocia etc.


Christy • Nov 20, 2019
I do not want to push out a 9-10lb baby, terrifies me!


Posted at
OMG Those cheeks! 😍 Sooo adorable!