Is this possibly my rainbow baby??


I conceived our first cycle trying earlier this year. We lost our angel at 6 weeks along at the end of May and have been trying every cycle since. Our angel was due on my deceased grandfather's birthday. I thought it was positive sign. I was devastated after losing our baby. I went in for vaginal ultrasound and the dr was very rough. By the time i got home i was bleeding only when I wiped. I went to the ER and they said i was micarrying with a low HCG. They said I'd probably pass the baby on my own but the bleeding stopped. I went back to the dr and my HCG levels increased but they said not enough and that it was possibly in my tubes. They suggested a D&C and said during the procedure that they'd sent samples to lab to see if there was fetal tissue in my uterus. If not they'd proceed to do a laparoscopy to examine my tubes for ectopic.

During the procedure they said the lab came back showing no fetal tissue in my uterus but sent more samples for a more extensive test, but that it took days to get that result. So they also did a laparoscopy to examine my tubes. Nothing was found in my tubes and they said i probably passed the baby already. A week later during my post op appointment they said the more extensive lab test showed our baby was in my uterus and it could've possibly been a viable pregnancy. I was crushed! Just yesterday, I just found out that my cousin who was born 2 weeks before me died of cancer. We were close... My hubby has been amazing and two days ago i felt him kiss my belly while i was asleep. He told me when I got the news about my cousin that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. And maybe our baby would come out of the loss of my dear cousin. If this is positive I feel like it's a blessing that I needed so badly.

Sorry for long post. I'm so nervous and scared for a BFP and healthy pregnancy.