Should I just gave up?


Should I give up?..... TMI post (pictures ain’t tmi)

It’s a long story ladies, and I’m asking if you read it all if you could give me some advice of some sort or similar stories.

I had my son 18/10/18. I had my period in December. 11th-18th. (7 days)Jan came around and me and my partner decided to start ttc as it took 9 months to conceive our son(Harvey) (Me and my partner(Ethan) wanted to have our kids close in age) so me and Ethan had sex every other day, we weren’t planning properly with ovulation test etc. I sadly got my period jan 16-24 (8 days) so we starting trying again after my period then I got my period in February 22-28 (7days) so guess what? We started trying again (3rd month trying) the end of March came and no period 😊 so I took a test... negative..... I then went test crazy and started doing a test every day till I got my period back which wasn’t till may 19th (I know crazy)

Let’s rewind.... so during March and may I had gone to the doctors, been for ,blood work, swabs, and yes sadly I tested positive for chlamydia.... I managed to get that sorted me and my partner took tablets for a week (it’s another story but I know how I got it) blood work came back fine (was negative for pregnancy) they couldn’t figure out what it was....

Let’s fast forward to may 19th (the month we stop ttc)....TMI..... I was ironing in my sons bedroom when I got this massive intense cramp so I went to the toilet and this massive extremely big clot came out must have been like a golf ball if not bigger. So I called my sons health visitor and asked what I should do.. she told me to ring 111 and get advice they told me to go to the hospital so I did and waited 5 hours to be told because I’m having negative tests there’s nothing they can do...

So I’m still bleeding... all the way up until July 3rd (45 days bleeding) stop for 3 days and start again 6th-21st (16 days)

Rewind... in the time I’m bleeding I go to the doctors about the 4/5 week I’ve been bleeding and I get more blood work done that comes back fine swabs come back fine I get given an appointment for a scan for July 26th (lucky I wasn’t bleeding) that came back fine

(Month we start ttc again) I then get my period august 11-24 (14 days) I was bleeding heavy changing pads every 10-20 mins and when I would sit on the toilet to change, 2 period amounts of blood would come out TMI that was like that for my full period.

September comes around and I get my period again 4-9th (5days) same as ^ October comes around and I get my period again 18-24th (6days) same as ^

November comes around and I’ve not got my period


I’ve been thinking lately Aswell since having my son deep penetration hurts to the point I have to angle myself so it doesn’t hurt (I’m guessing it my cervix that is delicate)

With me getting chlamydia around March time and not getting treated till may/June time could that have caused infertility?

Between the the months of March and October I didn’t keep track of every time me and my partner did the deed.